Léo Buscaglia’s positive quote
Léo Buscaglia‘s positive quote : « I know that the one who truly loves is the one who has not forgotten his own needs.» See
Léo Buscaglia‘s positive quote : « I know that the one who truly loves is the one who has not forgotten his own needs.» See
Oscar Wilde‘s positive quote : « Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. » See you soon Dare to light up the world with your
https://aptitudechallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/22-03-Quote-Michelle-Obama-VIDEO-E-aptitude-challenge-cassandre.mp4 Michelle Obama‘s positive quote : « It‘s that resilience that makes me who I am. It‘s not degrees, it‘s not the schools I went
I am Cassandre Cléon, author of the book “Aptitude Challenge”, I share with you the fruit of my reflection and knowledge in personal development.
Practicing the « aptitude challenge » and facing life challenges helped build my positivity. In this book, I use my experience to help you develop more positivity in your life.
Dare to light up the world with your aptitudes !
See you soon
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